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Customer Testimonials

Dear Ralph,

Sam and I would like to thank you and your staff for the wonderful service we received last week with the treatment of our trees.  You run a terrific business, and we wish you tremendous success.  Please pass our appreciation on to Tom who was incredibly helpful in explaining all processes to Sam, who intends to treat the lot himself next year.

We were pleased to have found you and agree with your theory of treatment.  We look forward to seeing improvement in the coming months and will keep you informed on the progress of trees.

Lastly, I wish to thank you again for your sensitivity to our particular financial situation.   Our main concern was to help the trees - you clearly shared that concern.  We are confident that we will be able to recommend your service many times over in the future.

I will be in touch within the next month or so to give you updates on the trees.

Kathryn Marshall

Bear Creek Golf Club is a Jack Nicklaus designed golf course and community located in Murietta California.  There are 230 California Live Oaks located on the golf course and many more in the surrounding community.  Most of the trees are an integral part of the course and would be impossible to replace if they were lost.

Five years ago some of the Oaks on the course began declining and several died. Certified Arborists who were called in to assess the situation blamed the decline on golf course encroachment.   Irrigation for the turf and compaction were the main causes cited for the death of the trees.  When the course was constructed the irrigation systems were designed to keep water from the dripline of the trees but the natural cover of tree litter was removed to facilitate golf play.  The symptoms found on the declining trees are thinning canopy, dead twig ends, and dark brown to reddish stains on the main trunk.

I talked with many tree specialists from around the country about the problem and finally was directed to Ralph Zingaro at Bioscape.  Ralph educated me about the Oak Decline Complex and proposed an IPM protocol for treatment.   The IPM protocol included foliar spraying the trees with a copper oil, nutritional trunk injection with Bioserum fertilizer, a phosphite product, and soil injection with the Bioserum fertilizer as well.  The root crowns of all the treated trees were excavated to enable the injections to be made into the root crowns.  The treatment was made in March of 2001 to 230 trees.  In April of 2001, new growth appeared on almost every tree treated.   The new leaves have matured and are still appear to be healthy.  Some of the trees that had thin crowns have filled out and their overall appearance is much improved.   I know this is a long term program but can assure you that we are committed to it and will stay the course to ensure the survival of our Oaks.

I would be happy to answer any questions.  Please call me at (909) 677-1345.

Tim Ketterer

Dear Bioscape:

I am very impressed with Bioscape.   You have saved my Oak tree from extinction when all other companies failed.  In a time where there is so much mediocrity, your service is thoroughly professional and is greatly appreciated.  Your company is at the cutting edge of research and technology and I like the fact that you head for the organic whenever possible.

You obviously love your work and it shows in my Oaks.

Andre Pessis

In August of 1998 I wrote to the Town of San Anselmo about the matter of diseased trees in our community. Since that time even more trees have died from such diseases as the ambrosia beetle, etc. and every neighborhood seems to have its share or dying or dead Oaks.

I appreciate that the science in erradicating these diseases is still young, but there is a company which does seem to be able to help ailing trees survive. It is the company I mentioned in my earlier letter:

This company is doing a superb job in helping our infected trees survive, showing extremely good judgment and great expertise.

Would it be possible for the town to mount an educational campaign, perhaps sending out some kind of flyer to homeowners of the dangers of these pests, and also advising that trees which have succumbed MUST be removed immediately.  The dead trees are hosts to the ambrosia beetle, for example, and leaving the dead trees standing merely helps spread the diseases.  I speak to many people on my walks around the Town and so many people are ignorant of the severity of the problem or the fact that something can be done to help.

Bioscape's management are extremely well-educated in the science of tree health and are an invaluable resource for the Town.   I will be happy to discuss this issue with anyone from the town.

Brenda J. Hunt

Dear Bioscape:

My name is Pam Marrone, Founder and President of AgraQuest Inc. a major producer of biopesticides for agriculture. Last year I used your Bio-Weed organic pre-emergence herbicide and slow release fertilizer on my lawn and was very impressed with the results on all of my broad leaved weeds, some of which are very hard to control.

I would be happy to recommend Bio-Weed to anyone who is planning on using this product. The nice thing is that is both effective and safe to my two dogs, who actually followed me around and ate some of it while I was applying it.

Pam Marrone, PhD