Sudden Oak Death, Hemlock Decline, Sugar Maple Decline, Beech Decline..... Treatment
TREE DECLINE COMPLEXES are all the same. Beech , Maple, Ash, Hemlock, Oak....they are all signs of a immunocompromised tree. The culprit is SOIL ACIDIFICATION from acid rain and the proliferation of Mosses and Lichens which are symptoms of an acidified ecosystem. This acidified ecosystem weakens tree roots which leads to attacks of all kinds of secondary invaders like ambrosia beetles, beetles, bacteria fungi, nectia fungi, wooly adelgids, borers..........they are all SECONDARY. Killing these insects and diseases with toxic pesticides WILL NOT SOLVE THE UNDERLYING PROBLEM which is Soil Acidification.
Products like Agrifos, Reliant and others are actually "supplemental nutrients" called " Phites" which contain one less oxygen therefore they are classified as phosphites versus phosphates. These nutrients are extremely mobile in plants and trees and trigger a "host mediated response" in the tree. They don not directly KILL anything, they stimulate the pathways in a tree or plant that fights the infection, whether that infection is sudden oak death, nectria , fusarium, ambrosia beetle, wooly adelgid etc.....The tree protects itself the phite flips the switch and stimulates the " immune system" of the tree or plant. This effect is CUMULATIVE. Do not expect this product to work with one application. It needs to REPEATED FREQUENTLY. The effect is cumulative with each application. And it works on ALL TREES REGARDLESS OF THE SECONDARY INSECT AND OR DISEASE. It is essentially a holistic treatment for TREE DECLINES.
Pentra-Bark - bark penetrating surfactant. Approved in California for use as a basal bark spray to treat Sudden Oak Death when used with Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide (above). Apply at a rate of 1 to 1. (i.e. 1 gallon Agri-Fos, 1 Gallons water, 4 Fl oz. Pentra Bark.) Can be used with a hand held sprayer. Just spray to saturation on the trunk bark from approximately 6 feet up the trunk and continue down to the base. Be careful not to get overspray on other plants as it may cause photo toxicity on the foliage of other plants.
Agri-Fos® is a bark sprayed product that requires the addition of a product called Pentrabark™ to help it move into the tree. Treat by spraying the trunk as high as possible down to the base of the tree twice in the first year. Apply once in November and again in May.
You can count on Biospace to provide you with the latest in treatment for Sudden Oak Death. We have what you need for your infected trees and shrubs.